Healthcare is stressful enough. Paying for it shouldn’t be.

Workplace Burnout: Why Wellness Spending Accounts are the Solution

Workplace Burnout: Why Wellness Spending Accounts are the Solution

Workplace burnout has become a common problem as the hustle and bustle is back post-pandemic. For many, we’re back to long hours and higher stress of everyday life, leading to employee burnout. When burnout occurs, employees’ productivity and work quality can drop significantly. Several factors can cause burnout, but there are services that can help. … Read more

Use your HSA / WSA to Assist Your Goal of Living a Holistic Healthy Life

holistic health

Every year, more and more employers are adopting Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) to their overall benefits package. The debate over which is better – HSAs vs traditional group benefits – is widespread. According to The Sanofi Healthcare Survey January 2020 HSAs are the single largest incentive for an employee to stay with an employer.  For that reason, an employer might look to add an HSA to their traditional group benefits package or replace the traditional plan altogether.