Healthcare is stressful enough. Paying for it shouldn’t be.

18 Statistics About HSAs

18 statistics about HSAs

HSAs are a viable health benefit alternative or a complementing component of the overall health and wellness focus for Alberta business owners and employees Don’t take our word for it. Below are 18 statistics in seven key feature categories to support HSA Easy Pay’s claim that HSAs are a viable health benefit alternative or crucial … Read more

How to Support Parents in the Workplace Through Wellness Spending Accounts

Parents in the Workplace

Parents in the workplace have all heard the cliché about the difficulty of raising children: It gets easier. But that hope doesn’t solve parents’ current time and financing problems. From services like childcare, day camps, and tutoring, there are many costs a parent must endure and may not have the time or money for it … Read more

How an HSA can Cushion Post-Pandemic Financial Struggles


In the post-pandemic economic climate, Canadians are facing new financial challenges as they adapt to environmental changes. Healthcare can be a significant expense for many households. Employee benefits packages can mitigate this stress and help companies attain and retain talent long term. Taking care of employees means creating a benefits plan that is flexible to … Read more

Employee Benefit Challenges You Will Face In 2022 

Employee Benefit Challenges

What are the key employee benefit challenges business face? This is the critical question we asked dozens of businesses before developing HSA Easy Pay ltd.’s prepaid HSA Mastercard payment and fulfillment solutions.  Rising healthcare costs are making Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) compensation plans a highly attractive employment benefit for employees. Supplying a comprehensive plan can … Read more

Why an HSA Prepaid Mastercard Just Makes Sense

HSA Prepaid Mastercard

A health spending account (HSA) combined with a wellness spending account (WSA) is without question the most flexible benefits solution for you and your employees. With HSA Easy Pay Ltd.’s HSA Prepaid Mastercard® solution, you get the greatest level of health and wellness flexibility paired with the most popular payment card in Canada.  

Use your HSA / WSA to Assist Your Goal of Living a Holistic Healthy Life

holistic health

Every year, more and more employers are adopting Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) to their overall benefits package. The debate over which is better – HSAs vs traditional group benefits – is widespread. According to The Sanofi Healthcare Survey January 2020 HSAs are the single largest incentive for an employee to stay with an employer.  For that reason, an employer might look to add an HSA to their traditional group benefits package or replace the traditional plan altogether. 

HSAs vs Traditional Group Benefits

HSAs vs Traditional

Every year, more and more employers are adopting Health Spending Accounts (HSAs) to their overall benefits package. The debate over which is better – HSAs vs traditional group benefits – is widespread. According to The Sanofi Healthcare Survey January 2020 HSAs are the single largest incentive for an employee to stay with an employer.  For that reason, an employer might look to add an HSA to their traditional group benefits package or replace the traditional plan altogether.